Friday, July 10, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away......

It's pouring in Illinois. Which is quite unfortunate, since it's the weekend and I have about a gizillion things going on. Rain was not worked into my plans. The summer in Illinois has been pretty short lived. We've had a few hot 90 degree days, not enough though. Our summer and spring has so far consisted of cold or rainy (or both) days. This would be great hunting weather, if it was season for anything realistic. The only thing good going on now is fishing. The only thing I seem to catch is Fox Snakes. Not exactly something you want bragging rights for? Another thing I'm worried about is my food storage. I have heavy duty storage shelves in the basement, but I sometimes take in water. I hope anything cardboard doesn't absorb the excess water. My best bet I suppose is to keep the fans circulating air to avoid any dampness. If anyone out there runs across the same problems from time to time, let me know your suggestions or if you have found any solutions that work.

Christine xoxo

1 comment:

  1. Christine have you considered 5 gallon buckets for storing? It might be an answer to some of your problems with the water.
